On camp it was teams vs other teams.
They were in for the competition to see who had the best team.
The leader for my team was Tehillah and leite they were cool leaders.
My teacher for camp was Mrs west.
Camp is a hole lot of fun there can be different games but my favourite game was killer zone .The camp started on Wednesday till Friday at school we slept in tents.
We played games they were… killer zone, Get lost, table tennis.
My group was presidents and we did youth town first then kayaking.
My favourite part is swimming at the pools on Friday
Because it was funny and my mum came to help.
On Friday i was hot but once i hopped in the pool it was cool.
Thank you for making food and keeping the tent down thank you to all the cool helpers for a amazing camp even if it was cold at night and windy. Thank you for being here for all of us.
I learnt that no matter what you will make it through the night when it is windy and cold.
Be good and learn new things. Thank you again helpers.