What is BEDMAS? Bedmas is allways in order make sure you have them all in it.
What they mean? Brackets,Exponents,Divide,Multiply,Addition,Subtract.
Let me give you an example
18 divided by (2 + 4) =
(2+4)= 6
18 div 6= 3
I am a Year 8 student at Pt England School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 1 and my teacher is Mrs Moala.
Tuesday, 4 December 2018
What BEDMAS is
Wednesday, 28 November 2018
Our trip to rainbows end
Jozlo Room 3 work,
Mr Wiseman,
Team 5,
Writing 2017
Thursday, 15 November 2018
The house
The house on Elm street
Once upon a time are house on Elm street was a very old house it had bugs crawling on the door,
cobwebs webbed on windows, and the house was 100 years old, everything was rotten.
I lived next to that house and every night i would hear chatter and laughter and i would always
think i'm dreaming but i would just shut my eyes and go to sleep. But one night i heard
'something smash then a man voice yelled out and a lady voice yelled back as if they were
arguing and that was the first time I’ve heard that. I creeped through my window and looked at
the house, but there was no one, so i went back to sleep, but I still heard voices arguing so loud that
I couldn’t go back to sleep. So i got out of my bed and walked to the house next door to see what
was going on.
cobwebs webbed on windows, and the house was 100 years old, everything was rotten.
I lived next to that house and every night i would hear chatter and laughter and i would always
think i'm dreaming but i would just shut my eyes and go to sleep. But one night i heard
'something smash then a man voice yelled out and a lady voice yelled back as if they were
arguing and that was the first time I’ve heard that. I creeped through my window and looked at
the house, but there was no one, so i went back to sleep, but I still heard voices arguing so loud that
I couldn’t go back to sleep. So i got out of my bed and walked to the house next door to see what
was going on.
I was scared and frightened, but the noise was so loud that I couldn’t sleep.
I got to the front door and I knock but the door just opened itself.
I walked in and quietly said “ Hellloooo” Suddenly the loud noise disappeared.
I walked out of the house and suddenly, the noise came back, I looked back and
ahhhhhhhhhhhh there was a clown, a bloody clown standing at the door I screamed.
I was spoked so i ran home and boosted up the stairs.
Into my mum and dads room woke them up and told them
what i saw but they said Ohhhhhhh stop that nonsense you always make something up to get
our attention i said no i'm not lying i swear mum said in anger
Mum no i’m not lying i’ll show you ‘’MACK NOW!’’ ok mum i’m going
now i walked into my room and slammed the door. To be continued.
I got to the front door and I knock but the door just opened itself.
I walked in and quietly said “ Hellloooo” Suddenly the loud noise disappeared.
I walked out of the house and suddenly, the noise came back, I looked back and
ahhhhhhhhhhhh there was a clown, a bloody clown standing at the door I screamed.
I was spoked so i ran home and boosted up the stairs.
Into my mum and dads room woke them up and told them
what i saw but they said Ohhhhhhh stop that nonsense you always make something up to get
our attention i said no i'm not lying i swear mum said in anger
Mum no i’m not lying i’ll show you ‘’MACK NOW!’’ ok mum i’m going
now i walked into my room and slammed the door. To be continued.
Thursday, 8 November 2018
My tips on a great holiday
Have you ever thought about what to do in the holidays?.
Well if you read this you will know what to do in the holidays.
Some might be very boring but you never know you might start to like it.
If you think nahh i'm not gonna read dis then keep reading it please.
Well if you read this you will know what to do in the holidays.
Some might be very boring but you never know you might start to like it.
If you think nahh i'm not gonna read dis then keep reading it please.
One of my tips of having a fun holiday is to play a game.
The game that i usually play is wash the dishes.
I know it may sound pretty boring but if you actually start to play it,
it becomes really fun. Ok this is how it goes you fill the sink with
soapy water then grab a dirty dish and have one person scrub the
dish clean then throw it carefully to your brother or whoever is next to you.
Ok the person that is next to you has to pass it to another person the
that person drys the dish then they put it in a cupboard then repeat
the same thing until you have finished.
The game that i usually play is wash the dishes.
I know it may sound pretty boring but if you actually start to play it,
it becomes really fun. Ok this is how it goes you fill the sink with
soapy water then grab a dirty dish and have one person scrub the
dish clean then throw it carefully to your brother or whoever is next to you.
Ok the person that is next to you has to pass it to another person the
that person drys the dish then they put it in a cupboard then repeat
the same thing until you have finished.
Now you have finished doing the dishes ohh i mean playing that fun game
time for the breakfast you can make more than usual or just add more bacon or something.
I know you probably thinking why a lot of breakfast it is because it helps you skip lunch.
Now the best thing to do is make something big like spaghetti with eggs on toast.
Now you are full if not eat more you will need it for the next idea.
time for the breakfast you can make more than usual or just add more bacon or something.
I know you probably thinking why a lot of breakfast it is because it helps you skip lunch.
Now the best thing to do is make something big like spaghetti with eggs on toast.
Now you are full if not eat more you will need it for the next idea.
Here is something else you can do you can watch t.v or play a game outside
like Go home stay home, Tiggy. If you want to play .
Go home stay home and do not know how to play then
let me tell you how so make a spot like your front door or something
that will be your home have one tagger then go hide while the tagger counts to 20.
Once the tagger has hit 20 then he/she will try come and find you then you have
to try run to the spot if the tagger touches you then you are it now keep repeating it.
There is one rule though.Have fun.
like Go home stay home, Tiggy. If you want to play .
Go home stay home and do not know how to play then
let me tell you how so make a spot like your front door or something
that will be your home have one tagger then go hide while the tagger counts to 20.
Once the tagger has hit 20 then he/she will try come and find you then you have
to try run to the spot if the tagger touches you then you are it now keep repeating it.
There is one rule though.Have fun.
Now if mum or dad arrives early then ask if they had a nice day.
Then cook some dinner for them and make sure you put all your
love in it to show how much you love them.
If you do not know how to cook then give them a big hug
and kiss and tell them about your day then massage their legs
or arms it shows you appreciate them even if they just yelled
at you because you burnt the pot this morning from breakfast.
Then cook some dinner for them and make sure you put all your
love in it to show how much you love them.
If you do not know how to cook then give them a big hug
and kiss and tell them about your day then massage their legs
or arms it shows you appreciate them even if they just yelled
at you because you burnt the pot this morning from breakfast.
So now you have ideas on what to do in the holidays.
Hope you enjoy my ideas but make sure to follow everything because
it is very important it makes your holiday fun in many ways you might not
like it but you will grow to like them.
When you do Things like cleaning it is best to have music to play out loud
to help you get through your day but make sure it is not to loud but remember
to respect other people.
Hope you enjoy my ideas but make sure to follow everything because
it is very important it makes your holiday fun in many ways you might not
like it but you will grow to like them.
When you do Things like cleaning it is best to have music to play out loud
to help you get through your day but make sure it is not to loud but remember
to respect other people.
Thursday, 1 November 2018
Man and Sea
In this slideshow it will show you my thoughts and more on Man and sea.
Man and sea is a book about a man called Ioanes journey of getting a Tatau.
And a story that Ioanes father used to tell him.
Wednesday, 17 October 2018
My holiday
In my holidays i went to a wedding it was held at Five knots in Mission bay. It was very beautiful it was a Samoan wedding it was so amazing to be a wedding that was the first wedding I have ever been to. I was amazed about how they prepared everything. My favourite part was when the bridesmaids,grooms,bride,groom as they walked out they a man was sing them out the song was called Falling in love with jesus.
my holiday.,
Room 3,
Team 5,
Wednesday, 26 September 2018
New York lady leaves fortune to her cat
1. Who is the main person or group
of people in this news article?
A Cat and her owner.
2. What was the key event from
the news article?
A lady that died she gave her money
that was part of her will to her cat.
3. Where did this event take place?
New york
4. When did this event take place?
August 30 2017
1. Find a quote from the main person
in this news article?
There wasn’t a quote in this article.
2. In your own words describe what
happened in this news article.
A lady died then gave all her money to her pet cat.
3. Find out where this event took place
and include some information about this place.
It was in NYC. NYC is a city in America
it is very big and full of towers.
4. Tell us when this event happened and
explain what might happen in the future.
This event happened August 30 2017.
This cat will be rich for a long time.
Explain in your own words why this event took place.
I believe it was because she loved her cat.
6. Use the Dictionary in the bottom right
hand corner to find the meaning of 3 words
from the article.
This article doesn’t have an dictionary.
Why i did this is because for reading we look at kiwi kids News and we do Recall,Thinking.

Monday, 24 September 2018
The dog that looks like a human
1. Who is the main person or group of people
in this news article?
in this news article?
A shi-poo dog
2. What was the key event from the
news article?
news article?
There is a dog with a human face.
3. Where did this event take place?
Sorry it doesn’t tell.
4. When did this event take place?
March 21 2018
1. Find a quote from the main person
in this news article?
in this news article?
I cannot find an quote
2. In your own words describe what happened in
this news article.
this news article.
The articles tells people how this
dog looks like a human.
dog looks like a human.
3. Find out where this event took place and
include some information about this place.
include some information about this place.
Sorry the details aren’t showing.
4. Tell us when this event happened and explain
what might happen in the future.
what might happen in the future.
March 21 2018 Nothing much.
5. Explain in your own words why this event took place.
Because the owner thought it was funny
6. Use the Dictionary in the bottom right hand corner to find
the meaning of 3 words from the article.
the meaning of 3 words from the article.
There is no dictionary.

Thursday, 13 September 2018
Thursday, 30 August 2018
Poems about beauty and love.
Roses are red violets are blue i've never
Met anyone as beautiful as you yes
We are talking about you the one
And only beautiful teacher Mrs Tele’a
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I am hopelessly in love
Since the day i met you
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Sugar is sweet
Just like you
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Sunflowers are yellow
You probably thought this was a
Poem but these are just
Gardening facts.
Tuesday, 28 August 2018
My plan to a great holiday.
Have you ever thought about what to do in the holidays?. Well if you read this you will know what to do in the holidays. Some might be very boring but you never know you might start to like it.If you think nahhHave you ever thought about what to do in the holidays?. Well if you read this you will know what to do in the holidays. Some might be very boring but you never know you might start to like it.If you think nahh i'm not gonna read dis then keep reading it please.
One of my tips of having a fun holiday is to play a game. The game that i usually play is wash the dishes. I know it may sound pretty boring but if you actually start to play it, it becomes really fun. Ok this is how it goes you fill the sink with soapy water then grab a dirty dish and have one person scrub the dish clean then throw it carefully to your brother or whoever is next to you. Ok the person that is next to you has to pass it to another person the that person drys the dish then they put it in a cupboard then repeat the same thing until you have finished.
Now you have finished doing the dishes ohh i mean playing that fun game time for the breakfast you can make more than usual or just add more bacon or something. I know you probably thinking why a lot of breakfast it is because it helps you skip lunch. Now the best thing to do is make something big like spaghetti with eggs on toast. Now you are full if not eat more you will need it for the next idea.
Here is something else you can do you can watch t.v or play a game outside like Go home stay home, Tiggy. If you want to play Go home stay home and do not know how to play then let me tell you how so make a spot like your front door or something that will be your home have one tagger then go hide while the tagger counts to 20. Once the tagger has hit 20 then he/she will try come and find you then you have to try run to the spot if the tagger touches you then you are it now keep repeating it. There is one rule though.Have fun.
Friday, 24 August 2018
What me and my group are doing.
Today we were given a task the task is that we have to research a skill for us to learn by four weeks. I am in a group there is Me, Terry, Hinerangi, Seluone, Ayla, Amelia, Irene, Tatiana, Saane. We have chosen to mix these four dances, Ballet, Hip Hop line Dancing and African. All we have to do know is make a dance up that we can all agree on.
Wednesday, 22 August 2018
The red door
The red door
In 1998 a family moved into a house.
A house that had a red door nobody knew,
where it could take people the door would
shine a red light making the door glow it made
people even more curious about what is behind it.
The family never knew about the door till one night
during dinner the father saw a little girl the girl said
‘’Help her ’’. The family followed in confusion about
what she said the girl had taken them into the bassment
where the door was. They saw that the door
needed a key then the daughter said hey i think
i saw the key under my bed i have it still i will
run upstairs and get it.
When she went upstairs to grab the key then she came
back down with the key to open the door they opened it
and in shock the just had saw a……. To be continued.
A house that had a red door nobody knew,
where it could take people the door would
shine a red light making the door glow it made
people even more curious about what is behind it.
The family never knew about the door till one night
during dinner the father saw a little girl the girl said
‘’Help her ’’. The family followed in confusion about
what she said the girl had taken them into the bassment
where the door was. They saw that the door
needed a key then the daughter said hey i think
i saw the key under my bed i have it still i will
run upstairs and get it.
When she went upstairs to grab the key then she came
back down with the key to open the door they opened it
and in shock the just had saw a……. To be continued.
Thursday, 16 August 2018
Thursday, 5 July 2018
The sacrifice
This story is about a sacrifice from little creatures
from another planet the story is basically about
the little creatures sacrificing a man to give to their
My adventure in the bush
This one of the work peices that i wrote i like to try make the reader feel like they are in the story hope you enjoy i hope it makes you feel like you are in my story and enjoy your adventure.
The fortnite game pt 2
This story is about a game that was released
read to see if he makes it.
Tuesday, 3 July 2018
A little something about Persuasive Writing.
Can i persuade you?
In this slideshow is trying to see if i can or can not persuade you?
My story about something mysterious
My opinion on if students should get paid or not?
My letter to the beautiful teacher Mrs.Tele'a
Monday, 21 May 2018
Friday, 6 April 2018
Wednesday, 4 April 2018
Thursday, 29 March 2018
Monday, 5 March 2018
My Mihi
This here is my visual mihi it shows what i love and it shows what things that i am samoan tokelaun i love ruby i am so proud to be my cultures and i hope you enjoy.
Monday, 12 February 2018
The troubles of not wanting to wear uniform
Dear Room 3,
My name is Nicolas Lei. I hope you are all well and excited to start another new year at Pt. England School. This is my first year at Ferguson Intermediate and I am year 7. I am writing this letter to you all because I know most of you are a similar age as me and I need your help! Someone told me that you are a smart group of students, so I look forward to hearing from you.
As a new student, I am learning a lot of new routines and rules. I am enjoying my time here, however, there is one thing that I detest and that is our school uniform! At my old school, we wore mufti which was awesome because I got to choose what I wanted to wear everyday. Now that I am at Ferguson, I have to wear the same thing every day like everyone else. It bothers me because I don’t think it’s fair that I have to wear a school uniform. This makes me want to move schools.
I know that you wear a school uniform too, right? How do you feel about that? Do you think all schools should wear uniform? Please tell me why you think schools should or should not wear uniform so I can make a decision on whether to stay here at Ferguson or move back to my old school. Please write back to me soon.
Kind regards,
Nicolas Lei, Year 7
Ferguson Intermediate School
This is my response to his letter.
Nicolis lei
Ferguson Rd, Otara, Auckland
130 Pt England Road
Glen Innes
Auckland 1072
Dear, Nicolis lei
Wednesday 7th February
Auckland, 2023
talofa lava
My name is jozlo i am 11 years old i am samoan tokelauan.
i'm sorry about your problem you should stay even though
you don't like uniform it is a good school it
you don't like uniform it is a good school it
will help you ways you might like.
tofa soifua
Thursday, 8 February 2018
This years work
This term was 😌😃 we learnt in literacy what prior meant we also learnt how to use oreo.
O opinion
R reason
E examples
O opinion
In team 5 we have 6 teachers by the names of Mr Wiseman, Mrs Sio, Mrs Salu, Mrs Tapuke, Mrs Ilaoa, Mrs Stone.
In maths we learnt a saying
We are Room 1
We are capable of mathmations
We can explain what we're thinking
We are in charge of our own learning!
Monday, 5 February 2018
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